Saturday 26 April 2014

Mantra and its use

Those who practice Yoga systems are usually connected to those persons who repeat the syllable OM.
It is often assumed that those who follow these practices are invariably also those who repeat this thing, for many strange and unfamiliar, which is OM.
In practices for reaching Yoga state, OM is called as Mantra.

*** What is a Mantra?
The word Mantra is a Sanskrit word, consisting of the root "man" which means thinking and suffix "tra" which translates as means or instrument; the meaning of the whole is an "instrument of thought".

*** Why Mantra is considered an instrument of thought?
Because through its repetition the mind can create special and unusual conditions.

*** Which kind of special conditions could be created?
The basic Mantra were used to:


  • quell the movement of thoughts (this is often translated as " free your mind " by the various thoughts that flow)



  • quieting the passage of more or less desired thoughts, Mantra creates the condition permitting to channel mental activities
  • the mind becomes more easily focusable in the desired direction, through the elimination of disturbances, usually arising from the fact that the mind tends to be rambling
  • quieting thoughts and channeling the mind means that could be more easy to induce deep meditative states
  • deep meditative states lead to greater clarity on what is the object of meditation; this clarity is the means to reach enlightenment
  • when reached enlightment, intuitions are produced
  • intuition is a way to acquire special achievements, that means to reach some most innovative and highest ideas and concepts, solutions to big questions about life, answers to personal difficulties and obstacles.

This is the process that the Mantra may trigger; so this is how the Mantra becomes an "instrument of thought" that allows to move towards acquisitions very useful in our life.

After this general idea, connected to the ancient origins of the inherent meaning of the word Mantra, let me turn now to some other concept about.

*** There are two major categories of Mantra:


1. Those called Bija (seed, from Sanskrit)

2. Others

1. The "seed" Mantra is composed of some syllable (it is called  seed in relation to a plant that blooms and become fruitful)
2. Others are made up of words or phrases (usually Sanskrit)

1. The “seed” Mantra had originally meant to produce, when repeated by voice, smooth but perceptible vibrations inside the body, which are able to relax some kinds of barriers that do not allow the subtle energies to flow freely in the psycho-emotional-energetic centers, called Chakra
2. The “word " or "phrase" Mantra had originally been intended to produce specific emotional, psychological and mental states, through the induction of specific breathing rhythms or through the absorption of ideas or concepts; the first of these two conditions can be produced only repeating by voice, while the second can be produced either repeating by voice or repeating silently inside.

An example : the famous mantra OM is a "seed" Mantra, which, if repeated by voice properly, is able to cause stimulations in all Chakras, one behind the other, one by one. For this reason it is considered a fundamental and very important Mantra; it is possible to stimulate how to reach deep enlightments, so his sound ( it would be better to say the set of his sounds) corresponds to the cosmic balance and to the cosmic knowledge (one of the achievements possible from its use).

Probably just from the Indus valley where few Sages, the Rishi,  formed the rudiments of this knowledge of the Mantra,  this method, after centuries,  was brought to other countries, where features were changed, losing the specific powerful effects.
In Christianity, the ancient hermits of the desert often used hesychast prayer (repetition of sacred words), from which came then current way of praying, transformed now mostly in a request of some benefits.

Muslims also used and use similar systems, such as in Sufi practices. Even the repetition of Allah, was initially a special way to breath and use sound for achieving, with long repetitions,  an estatic condition; now is only associated to something superior to venerate.


In the next post I'll write about "Assessments on how Mantra is usually proposed"

Sunday 20 April 2014

Pranayama techniques for Yoga, channeling the energy of life

When it comes to talk about Yoga often joins the idea of breathing done in particular ways. Most part of ancient methods has been lost in time, that is, the techniques have been misrepresented and belittled their characteristics and potential.
Breathing techniques explained to those wishing to practice what necessary to acquire Yoga state, are called Pranayama. This Sanskrit word is composed of two words, ie Prana and Ayama; the first means "life force", the second means "extension". The set is: “extension of the life force”.
Due to translations not perfectly done some people arrived to the meaning "suspension of breath" or "breath control". This means that is proposed to seek to reach a state in which there are no more breaths: what purpose it will be connected ? No one gives a precise or convincing answer.... Or to control the breath resembles a technical exercise or a respiratory rebalancing but no one knows which one could be the relation in the attainment of Yoga state ...

On the other hand it is undeniable that if you want to manage your breathing in an unusual and special manner, you certainly need to have mastery and so knowledgeable ability to “regularize” it; knowing how to slow breaths automatically leads also to a regulation of brain frequencies , so it is certainly useful for those who want to occupy successively in concentration and meditation.

But the question remains of another factor, namely, that this is a training to manage, regulate and slow breaths ... but then there are a certain number of other particular methods that have no bearing on this result .... And then?
Then, we get the studies and practical applications that derive from the findings by the ancient sages Rishi, thousands of years ago; they were the first to experience the deep effects of Yoga. 

This collection of studies is RAM for Yoga (Ancient Rishi Yoga Methods to reach the Yoga states).

Here Pranayama is returned back to the original meaning ie "extension of the life force".
What does it mean?
It means that through the air is possible to derive vital energy; similarly you can do from the live food, crystals,  another person or an animal, etc.. Acupuncture is, for example, a system that channels the vital energy, present in the air, inside the body's energy meridians (see the Post on Acupuncture in the Blog by Anjali).
Pranayama, then, what does?

It is a kind of instrument that channels the vital energy
present in the air to store a greater quantity or to send it in some desired directions. More precisely, the steps of a Pranayama practice are: rake, channeling,  compress and absorb.

The fact is to take care of the importance to form these four phases. It looks like the importance,  in many engines, for producing the power necessary for movement, that the internal combustion should have to follow four phases ... ( intake, compression, expansion and exhaust).

These four steps allow to "extend the life energy force energy" to the parts that need it or parts that are intended to be stimulated a little more. For example, one Pranayama allows to send more vital energy to the brain for a better work of the same, consequently to create more intuitive thoughts, easily resulting in enlightments; or another Pranayama is a system to send vital energy in the channels or meridians more occluded, so to reopen them to their normal functions; another one sends vital energy to the Kanda, the place where the dormant or potential energy called Kundalini stays (see the Post on Kundalini and the Caduceus ) for allowing to restore the ideal functioning of the Chakras. Each Pranayama has its own characteristic , way of implementation and of course a specific number of beneficial effects.

Pranayama, as all methods RAM for Yoga have results and effectiveness at many levels at the same time, ie physical, mental, psychological, character, emotional, energetic and some more components thinner and thinner.

If you want to get in a depth knowledge of these topics the World Wide International School "Yoga in Your Life" offers such opportunities (see the website ).

In the next post I will write some hints on "Mantras and their use"

Monday 7 April 2014

Vital Energy: what is and how is demonstrable

Life Energy in general is considered that potential, usually invisible, which allows everything to be as it is.
What I mean by "to be as it is"?

A stone differs from a crystal because its vital energy keeps cohesion qualities that make it up in that specific way.
A blade of grass is just as it is until, for possible causes of various kinds,
its vital energy can not keep more cohesion in its substance; therefore tends to decompose.
An animal is just as it is until death will lead to the loss of the ability of aggregating
given by the vital energy; so the body will consequently disrupt.

As a result of this theory, I could give a basic definition that distinguishes the mineral world by those of plants and animals:
1 . the first has the characteristic of a very static energy, ie, tending to keep the shapes long time in the same manner
2 . the latter have a more dynamic energy, that is tending to flow through the physical
What does
it mean?
e can understand through some consequences:
*** In the mineral world, there is a condition that seems to remain the same over time and that usually
is encoded by the word "inanimate", that is without a soul.
*** In the plant world there is a condition that does not remain the same over time, but since it does not seem to have qualities of thought and choice, is put in doubt whether
could have a soul or not
*** In the animal world there is a condition of thought, choice and action ;
this conditions suggest the idea that there is something inside that is called soul (so called animal because is animated).

But what does the word "soul" mean?
It means the principle that allows you to live .
Often one gets confused, in relation to what I described above, thinking that the mineral is not living .... but on the other hand this also
takes part to life because exists ..... isn't it?
So .... all
what exists is therefore a in a living condition? Yes, even if in a different way, although with a different life, even if with different dynamics, albeit with higher or lower states of consciousness.
If you agree on that, we can get to the next step, sayi
ng that everything is alive, everything has an energy, more or less dense, more or less dynamic that creates cohesion and maintains the shape of anything. This energy is the energy of his life (life or vital energy), this is his "soul" (principle of existence).
Many have been accustomed to
connect the idea of the soul to inner states or to pseudo-characterial states; but why call the impulses that make everybody doing what he is doing with the name instead of what keeps it alive?

The human being, for example, when dies has the body that starts to decompose, while the vital energy is gone lost, ie,  its aggregating force is not more successful in maintaining together the material parts composing it. As a result of the loss of the soul, it also loses the ability to use the mind and the conscious/unconscious states, from which are derived then thought - choices - actions ..... only as a result.
If you try to free yourself from the concept that
is commonly thought, you will see this idea in a basic logic manner, useful to recognize how life works in us and around us.

A proof of the vital energy is the Kirlian Camera . This is a device that allows you to photograph the flow of energy that can be, without cheat, printed on photo paper or digitally: Could be done both in the mineral world by objects, such as by plants, animals and of course by the human being. It was found that the mineral forms of life have a low potential energy ( vital energy being more static and therefore, likewise, with life without, from our normal point of view, visible changes), while that of the human being is an energy with a higher potential (being a vital energy more dynamic and therefore, likewise, with the changing forms of life, with changing states of consciousness). 

By Kirlian Camera it is possible to capture on paper the image of the emanation of vital energy from a piece of mineral (ie as the soul) but it takes a longer time for the Camera; to photograph the emanation from a plant times are getting shorter; to that of an animal, the time is even shorter. Kirlian photography, for example, of a hen's egg can show its vitality depending on whether it is fertilized or not.

--- It is fairly well known the practice of Crystal Therapy and the use of precious and semi-precious stones; these must be kept in contact or in close proximity with your body in order to obtain a communication of frequencies. Its vital energy is radiated; different and specific frequencies are spread out from each different type of stone .

--- A leaf cut from a plant has lost its ability to maintain the vital energy inside, so it begins to wilt. The Kirlian Camera has shown that the energetic emanation, even if photographed at intervals of a few hours, tended to decrease until is completely disappeared.


--- In the human beings are known cases of people who fail to see the Vital Aura, the Halo, given by the issue of the continue dynamic flow of life energy that we have. This the force that allows us to stay alive, animated. In the human being is most easily seen, as I said before, because it is an energy force of higher potential and more dynamic.


 Other means using the vital energy :

  •  Acupuncture, Shiatsu and Tuina massage, Reflexology, Acupressure, the Fingerpressure, Auriculotherapy and more; all methods that act on the vital energy making to address where there is not enough. If not recharged where there isn't, this tends to get sick, which means that it is losing the ability to hold the aggregate in its original condition; matter tends to devitalize, until it are lost the life properties.
  • Pranotherapy, used for thousands of years by those who are able to channel the flow of vital energy to those who need it
  • Homeopathy, by remedies composed only by pure life force energy, which is useful to recharge potential shortage; this condition is linked to the fact that the formation of a symptom that indicates that something is not going in ease, that in common speech is called disease
  • Pranayama techniques that utilize the particular systems that permit that completely unusual breathing methods may channel much more vital energy in selected areas of the body     


    the Vitalizing Diet, which consists of eating freshly harvested products, so still alive; allows you to recharge vitality. Eating foods that are dead, canned, processed, cooked, etc. does not give regeneration of vital frequencies.


    I will stop here and I'll continue at the next post on: " Pranayama techniques
    for Yoga, channeling the energy of life ."     I wait for you soon ....