Friday 31 January 2014

Where to go? And how to get there?

Knowing how to handle ourselves is the correct way to understand where to drive us and to figure out where the most profitable directions are; it means to be aware of what is going in the correct direction and to be able to adjust the remainder.
If we have learned to drive a car and we have been practicing well, then we could recognize from the noises or from the tools that something is going wrong, as well as if we drive “zigzag” or we bump: here we figure out that it is necessary to revise our wrong-way driving. Therefore we realize that we are doing things that are not relevant to keep and to drive the car well.

 If we compare this idea to our lifestyle, after all, we can see that too often we just pay attention whether our external look is ok or not; it's like to say that to drive a car well we just need to have a good and nice bodywork.

How can a car give us all the profits that we could have or deserve from itself just by its bodywork? 

How can our life give us happiness if we take care just of our outwardness?
It is the same as wishing to have good sound from an empty instrument!

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