Wednesday 7 May 2014

"Assessments on how the Mantra is usually proposed"

If you believe that what is written in the previous post is quite logical and it seems for you credible what succinctly said about the findings in respect of this ancient method, then remember to consider that:
  • many things are covered with meanings that go beyond the reality and confuse their more profitable knowledge; so also nowadays it happens for Mantra

  • if you are told to do japa (repetition of a mantra) without receiving logical explanations (receiving only some hypothetical ideas) and without making known how and where could be, within you,  created an effect in favour of the vibrations that you do, put some questions before and request more practical details. Could be that they have no particular knowledge about the argument, and also they never before experienced this method in its correct way.

  • if it is proposed to repeat OM as it is written, it will have the same value, for example, to repeat the word FORK or PAN; Mantra OM, instead, is composed of a scale of sounds, the one that blends with the next one, that allow to actually feel your own body vibrate and resonate in progressive, impacting on the mechanisms of the Chakras, from the lowest up to the on top of the head .... just say O - M does not lead to anything ....

  • if you are told that each mantra contains in itself the energies that are unleashed only to repeat them for the sole reason that they are repeated for thousands of years, then think of how many words are repeated for thousands of years but do not trigger anything at all; the proposal of this concept is a nice idea, probably pleasant and attractive, but in reality it is nothing more than a mild assumption

  • if you find yourself repeating, in a group, series of Sanskrit words which perhaps you didn't know what they mean, or even if you know the meaning, while you repeat you haven't continuously and exactly the clear meaning of what they express, then it is a waste of time . .. they do not bring profound changes, except, maybe, to give you a feeling of bliss consequently to your belief that it is something useful and powerful. Repetition is profitable only when your unconscious intelligence is able to record the concept

  • if you participate in Bhajans (songs that contain Mantra or sentences, usually in Sanskrit language), know that it is something similar to singing in Christian churches or to dogmatic Buddhist rituals and to other devotional songs; if you practice in this way, it means that you are a devotee of Krishna or Shiva or of some other Hindu God, as others are devoted to the church of Christ, or in a temple are devoted to Buddha. You are so a person who believes to dogmas and faiths, you are a person linked to religion represented by the words. You're not a person who believes in what had been proposed, long time ago, about these methods, that is, the evolutionary path, done by tools and methods (one of which is the Mantra)

  • if you are told that every Mantra corresponds to a specific God (usually Hindu God) means that you believe it is necessary for you to lean on faith in many Gods (which were invented by man only in order to maintain confidence in the fact that there is someone who can give some help and give support in various fields of life); plus the fact that the Mantra can be connected to a deity is only a hypothesis, built without logical foundation or demonstrably system

  • if it is given to you a secret Mantra, could hide the purpose to activate your credibility or to make you an acolyte or to have the power to make you unable to tell others the same, so that, whoever tells you that can maintain  the sole of his teachings. Originally instead was only advised not to use the Mantra in front of other people, who may not be involved by these methods, not to be laughed at or not to be adversely affected from the outside

  • if you are told that the Mantra that you receive is exclusively yours, it is often false. An experienced person who would give you a specific Mantra should join with you for at least one year continuously, to live with you to know your character and your inner obstacles; so that to recommend the exact Mantra that can help to overcome those sides that make difficult your path towards the evolution

  • if you are told to pay a personal Mantra, then you are just about to fall in the net of a fraud; there could be many examples of people who presented themselves as Guru and who have exploited the lack of knowledge in the people on Mantra to become famous and rich.

In the next post I would like to suggest ideas about it in "Masters and Gurus, disciples and devotees." See you soon ....

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