Monday 10 February 2014

Meaning of the word "Yoga"

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means "to unite, to join, to subjugate". The original methods proposed for obtaining such a Yoga state are gradual and progressive.

How is it possible that nowadays, most of the courses around the world propose acrobatic exercises, stretching exercises, a soft or tiring gymnastic and much more, without a specific reason? Take a look on Youtube, where it looks like the only scope behind this is making a show to the family and friends... and this represent only a small part of those who are teaching “borrowing” the word Yoga.

Actually it is extremely rare that an instructor could really explain how these weird exercises lead to the states of "union, join and subjugation": many of them, with a superficial culture and experience, sell themselves as pseudo- experts, sometimes even through an attractive appearance of “guru”.
In this blog we would like to clear up at least a few points, so that what you will choose in this field will be done with consciousness and understanding. Therefore we ask you to be patient in order to get a better idea of what we are talking about and then you can judge us.

In the next post we will talk about :
What is the Yoga state? Don't miss it!

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