Saturday 29 March 2014

What is Caduceus and relationship with Kundalini and Chakra

The Caduceus is a symbol that is reported to the times in which it was used by the Romans as a symbol of messengers mediation, as being in balance between the parties. In other cases it is connected to the god Hermes who mediated between men and gods.
Nowadays is used in many Countries as a symbol of the pharmacopoeia .


The Caduceus is a symbol born in even more ancient times, about 6000 years ago, when the ancient sages Rishi, in the Indus valley, spotted the potential, latent and sleeping energy, which was called Kundalini .

 The symbol consists of two entwined snakes, with a stick in the middle and on top two  wings. What could it mean ?
The two entwined serpents may indicate two energy channels,  very important in our subtle body, called in Sanskrit Ida and Pingala. These are the two fundamental sources of the two polarities, positive and negative (for example another philosophy call them yin and yang ), which, when balanced, enable the best assets in the body and in the ways of being. One of the fundamental techniques, discovered in ancient times, acts in the way to let flow more energy in these two channels; this practice makes a sense, hearing from outside, of a hissing sound. So who, in that time, had witnessed this practice,  connected this sound to the similar  hiss of snakes ... and so had drawn Ida and Pingala like two snakes.
The central stick usually had, in the original design, even a sphere in the bottom. The energy called Kundalini (meaning wrapped, that is not expressed in all its possible length), that is flowing up through the central channel (Sushumna in Sanskrit) allows to activate all of the major energy centers (in Sanskrit Chakra) . To obtain the consequent enlargement of the Chrakra, is required to use some techniques shaking the area where this potential energy is, at the base of the spine which is the physical area where this kind of sphere of potential energy is. Therefore the design is that the central axis (a stick) has to shake the dormant energy (Kundalini) on bottom.
The wings at the top,  indicate that the flight possible when the potentiality is reactivated and has climbed up to the upper chakras. The condition acquired is the possibility to go beyond the mental limits, to which everybody is usually relegated, almost to fly up, beyond.
And you know why the base of the spinal cord is also called "sacrum"? Because it refers to the physical counterpart where is located this powerful energy, the most holy energy useful for living te best life.


Since many centuries later,  arrived in the western Countries news about the possibility of awakening this latent energy, and of the skills acquired as result; some researchers began to investigate how it could be possible to achieve this. But not knowing the related techniques (as residing in quite different geographical areas) was thought to act on the matter itself, trying to create a compound that can then transform the normal earthly perception in the superior one. Thus was born the search for the " philosopher's stone " and who was devoted to this research was called Alchemist. 

They said, well, that this stone would have given the power to transform everything into gold. This idea lurked an esoteric concept; what might be able to turn everything into gold, so to do that all could be really precious? Many Alchemists thought that the only reference to it was feasible when becoming able to develop the capacities of higher consciousness, condition that allows to fly above the usual normal worldly knowledge (the wings of the Caduceus), to see everything as gold, the preciousness of everything around us. They began to arrange suitable laboratories to research this product and began to experiment.


Thus was born the chemistry and the laboratory processing of the elements. Then doing tests with products produced, they saw that some could be useful to get better in relations of symptoms during diseases.
Thus was born the pharmacopoeia chemistry, which uses even now, in many places, the ancient symbol of the Caduceus.


History shows that very deep meanings are often reported more and more, over the course of the centuries, and, in different ways, the exact ancient vision get lost, interpretations change, purposes become different,  effects are no longer related to the original ones.
The RAM for Yoga ( Rishi Ancient Methods) techniques were collected by extensive studies and patients practical experiments on these topics. RAM allow to go back to the deeper meanings and more profitable results, discovered in the ancient original practices; are systems that allow to bring to all states of well-being on all levels and to achieve higher states of consciousness.
You can find something for knowing how to do it,  on the website of All the Best in Your Life

Since we're talking about for a while, in the next post I will write about "The Life Energy, what it is and how it can be demonstrated"

Wednesday 26 March 2014

A general idea on Chakras

The Chakras (a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex of energy) are the means to exchange the vital energy (Prana in Sanskrit) present in the body with the outside world. Consequently to the amount of energy in each of these vortices there will be too much or too little charge in their related physical organs and, in the same time, there will be increased or decreased quality levels of mental-emotional states.

The Chakras are able to select each one a different frequency of energy. 
A very simple example is to relate them to a guitar, where each string is able to select a different sound and notes.
But if the main channel, where the Chakras are, is not functioning sufficiently, how can these energy centers give their positive natural effects? It would be like saying, going back to the simple example given above, as if they were strings of a guitar on the instrument but with the cash that is broken ... the sounds would no longer be harmonious and pleasing.

The same thing happens to the human being ... his situations in life are no more harmonious and pleasant, but it seems to be normal just because it is so commonly seen around us.


Even if you would like to deepen your knowledge of how operate the subtle and profound mechanisms inside of us, it may seem to you any more a strange idea that the cause of all our ills depend mainly on the fact that the main channel can not do its job in a right way, the way useful to each of the most important seven Chakras.
But the science and practice for Yoga shows how is connected the fact that these seven energy centers, when not balanced, lead to illness and to psycho-emotional bad effects.
Describing in broad terms the Chakras starting from the bottom one, they represent and stimulate :
  • the natural forces that promote the continuity of the species
  • the instinctual forces pushing to own things in order to survive
  • the inner forces that give impulses to physical and physiological reactions
  • the forces that produce all what we desire
  • the forces that allow to relate with the outside world
  • the forces that lead to intuitive states
  • the forces that drive awareness beyond the visible world related to the five senses

      Each Chakra, at the physical level, is related to a Plexus, which in turn connects to one or more fundamental organs; malfunction leads to a force poorly formed and the resulting unbalanced state is said disease.
      It is a so fascinating subject that deserves to be investigated more. The International School Yoga in Your Life also takes care to explain everything in a more detailed manner and to learn the RAM ( Rishi Ancient Methods) that allow the Chakras to operate well, through the awakening of Kundalini.

      In the next Post I will discuss some points about What is Caduceo and relations with Kundalini and Chakras.

      Saturday 22 March 2014

      What corresponds the meaning of Kundalini ?

      The word Kundalini is used in modern times, inappropriately. In fact, somebody called Kundalini Yoga the same collection of gymnastics copied from Hatha Yoga Asanas.
      But the methods for the awakening of Kundalini are quite different .....
      So, what is Kundalini ?

      The word Kundalini, translated from Sanskrit, means dormant coiled energy.
      What does it mean dormant and coiled?
      It means that, consequently several and different explainable reasons, our life energy, named Prana, is unable to flow properly along a specific energy channel. This is the most important one that we have, located, in relation to physical level, in alignment to the spinal cord. Prana is not flowing well inside of this channel; for this reason is defined that the energy should be potentially there. The consequence is that we suffer of many inside and outside troubles. So it is called as a sleeping potentiality, not already awakened.
      The word coiled is used because when this vital energy is stimulated (awakened) to pass along this channel, called Sushumna, can be described as if something is stretched upwards, ie changes from coiled to elongated.

      Along this channel are situated the main Chakras (that means from Sanskrit wheels or vortices of energy); about them I will give you a description in the next Post.
      In our subtle body, also called the energy body, there is a huge number of channels or lines where Prana, or vital energy, could flow. All cells, tissues, organs and therefore the entire body system, can stay well, work at the best, when are supplied by the right amount of vitality. I would like to emphasize that to speak about vitality it is not the same thing as talking about the energy that is produced by the body's metabolism; this last one is the energy producing the thermo- dynamic processes through which the human body is able to work and act.

      The energy channels are called, according to various studies such as acupuncture, acupressure, finger pressure, shiatsu, Do-in, Tuina, auriculotherapy, reflexology, etc., are then called by various names, as meridians , Tsubo , etc.. All these systems now mentioned describe the superficial energy channels, used for therapeutic purposes.
      So what was discovered by the ancient sages Rishi?

      They discovered the existence of a network of energy channels, calling them Nadi, superficial as deepest ones, for a total of 72,000. All together are forming the complex system which is carrying vitality life force everywhere in the body.
      Also they spotted that this main channel, Sushumna, doesn't allow the energy to flow freely; the vitality, forced to be blocked, is called Kundalini. The Chakras, centers of psycho-physical balance, suffer consequently many damages (see more in the next Post).
      The ancient Rishis studied and experimented for long time, till when they discovered specific methods that would allow the awakening of Kundalini, its unfolding, rise and stretching up. Sushumna channel can be opened by everybody!


       Various methods are needed for this purpose, as adequate mental impulses, special breathing chanelling pranic energy, specific movements and body postures, relaxation techniques releasing unconscious tensions.
      The purpose of the awakening of Kundalini is to get the right activity of the Chakras, to regain the best physical health, psyco-emotional balance, higher states of consciousness and enlightenment; these are not only hypothesis but everything can be explained and interpreted till details.

      At this point I wonder if you agree with me that what is called Kundalini Yoga, practiced only as complicated gymnastic for giving power to the muscles, does not have much to share with the real meaning of Kundalini ....

      I wait for you at the next post, where I would like to give you, in short, A general idea on Chakras.

      Thursday 20 March 2014

      The meaning and purpose of what has been described as Ashtanga.

      In the ancient text written by Patanjali "Yoga Sutras" is described in brief the usefulness and purpose of the practices to attain the state of Yoga. This text is primarily concerned with describing what is commonly called Raja Yoga , the part that is improving the mental capacity to achieve the state of contemplation, that permits to upgrade consciousness and awareness. The text gives not so much space to the part that is commonly referred as Hatha Yoga, which devotes attention to physical and relational ways of being, so our more visible constituents.
      The path described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras is encoded, according to the practical experience of thousands of years, through eight steps , of which the first four can be taken as part of Hatha Yoga, the last four as Raja Yoga. These eight steps are called, in Sanskrit literal translation, Ashtanga, that means eight limbs or components.
      Who wants to take the path towards the acquisition of Yoga has to practice the methods connected to these eight steps; without these eight limbs, without this path, it is not possible to reach the state of Yoga.
      The eight steps are:
      Yama : modes of conduct favorable, that must be not felt as rules to be followed compulsorily
      Niyama : useful conditions, but not something that has to be done compulsively
      Asana : to reach specific static and comfortable body postures through particular methods engaging, in the same time, body, mind, energy, character, etc
      Pranayama : special breathing techniques moving life energy to specific points
      Pratyahara : to acquire ability to manage the use or not use of sensory perceptions
      Dharana : concentration, ie channeling the mind on what and how long time you want
      Dhyana : meditation, ie use the mind to get into intuitive and clarifying states
      Samadhi : go beyond the intuitive/clarifying states to reach the state of contemplation, condition that creates awareness leading to the absolute truths.
      One might ask now : why gymnastic exercises very striking and dynamic, many times forced and extreme, vigorous and power minded, are called in modern times Ashtanga Yoga?

      In my opinion there is no connection .... and according to you ?
      Why so many persons agree with this method and follow it?
      In my opinion for little knowledge of the topic!
      Why happens that so many people want to practice this system?
      In my opinion only because they think to be able afterwards to do admirable and glamorous things, also giving themselves a sense of cleverness .... 

      Probably all this people don't know that this modern system doesn't lead to a totalitarian feel good as suggested by the ancient methods. What was studied and practiced by the ancient sages Rishi is from millennia the only one collection of methods that permit to realize all the highest qualities during life.

      Unfortunately, nowadays it is not easy to discriminate between what is useful and what is in reality only something apparently and superficial.

      And do you know to What corresponds the meaning of Kundalini? At the next Post....