Saturday 29 March 2014

What is Caduceus and relationship with Kundalini and Chakra

The Caduceus is a symbol that is reported to the times in which it was used by the Romans as a symbol of messengers mediation, as being in balance between the parties. In other cases it is connected to the god Hermes who mediated between men and gods.
Nowadays is used in many Countries as a symbol of the pharmacopoeia .


The Caduceus is a symbol born in even more ancient times, about 6000 years ago, when the ancient sages Rishi, in the Indus valley, spotted the potential, latent and sleeping energy, which was called Kundalini .

 The symbol consists of two entwined snakes, with a stick in the middle and on top two  wings. What could it mean ?
The two entwined serpents may indicate two energy channels,  very important in our subtle body, called in Sanskrit Ida and Pingala. These are the two fundamental sources of the two polarities, positive and negative (for example another philosophy call them yin and yang ), which, when balanced, enable the best assets in the body and in the ways of being. One of the fundamental techniques, discovered in ancient times, acts in the way to let flow more energy in these two channels; this practice makes a sense, hearing from outside, of a hissing sound. So who, in that time, had witnessed this practice,  connected this sound to the similar  hiss of snakes ... and so had drawn Ida and Pingala like two snakes.
The central stick usually had, in the original design, even a sphere in the bottom. The energy called Kundalini (meaning wrapped, that is not expressed in all its possible length), that is flowing up through the central channel (Sushumna in Sanskrit) allows to activate all of the major energy centers (in Sanskrit Chakra) . To obtain the consequent enlargement of the Chrakra, is required to use some techniques shaking the area where this potential energy is, at the base of the spine which is the physical area where this kind of sphere of potential energy is. Therefore the design is that the central axis (a stick) has to shake the dormant energy (Kundalini) on bottom.
The wings at the top,  indicate that the flight possible when the potentiality is reactivated and has climbed up to the upper chakras. The condition acquired is the possibility to go beyond the mental limits, to which everybody is usually relegated, almost to fly up, beyond.
And you know why the base of the spinal cord is also called "sacrum"? Because it refers to the physical counterpart where is located this powerful energy, the most holy energy useful for living te best life.


Since many centuries later,  arrived in the western Countries news about the possibility of awakening this latent energy, and of the skills acquired as result; some researchers began to investigate how it could be possible to achieve this. But not knowing the related techniques (as residing in quite different geographical areas) was thought to act on the matter itself, trying to create a compound that can then transform the normal earthly perception in the superior one. Thus was born the search for the " philosopher's stone " and who was devoted to this research was called Alchemist. 

They said, well, that this stone would have given the power to transform everything into gold. This idea lurked an esoteric concept; what might be able to turn everything into gold, so to do that all could be really precious? Many Alchemists thought that the only reference to it was feasible when becoming able to develop the capacities of higher consciousness, condition that allows to fly above the usual normal worldly knowledge (the wings of the Caduceus), to see everything as gold, the preciousness of everything around us. They began to arrange suitable laboratories to research this product and began to experiment.


Thus was born the chemistry and the laboratory processing of the elements. Then doing tests with products produced, they saw that some could be useful to get better in relations of symptoms during diseases.
Thus was born the pharmacopoeia chemistry, which uses even now, in many places, the ancient symbol of the Caduceus.


History shows that very deep meanings are often reported more and more, over the course of the centuries, and, in different ways, the exact ancient vision get lost, interpretations change, purposes become different,  effects are no longer related to the original ones.
The RAM for Yoga ( Rishi Ancient Methods) techniques were collected by extensive studies and patients practical experiments on these topics. RAM allow to go back to the deeper meanings and more profitable results, discovered in the ancient original practices; are systems that allow to bring to all states of well-being on all levels and to achieve higher states of consciousness.
You can find something for knowing how to do it,  on the website of All the Best in Your Life

Since we're talking about for a while, in the next post I will write about "The Life Energy, what it is and how it can be demonstrated"

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