Wednesday 26 March 2014

A general idea on Chakras

The Chakras (a Sanskrit word meaning wheel or vortex of energy) are the means to exchange the vital energy (Prana in Sanskrit) present in the body with the outside world. Consequently to the amount of energy in each of these vortices there will be too much or too little charge in their related physical organs and, in the same time, there will be increased or decreased quality levels of mental-emotional states.

The Chakras are able to select each one a different frequency of energy. 
A very simple example is to relate them to a guitar, where each string is able to select a different sound and notes.
But if the main channel, where the Chakras are, is not functioning sufficiently, how can these energy centers give their positive natural effects? It would be like saying, going back to the simple example given above, as if they were strings of a guitar on the instrument but with the cash that is broken ... the sounds would no longer be harmonious and pleasing.

The same thing happens to the human being ... his situations in life are no more harmonious and pleasant, but it seems to be normal just because it is so commonly seen around us.


Even if you would like to deepen your knowledge of how operate the subtle and profound mechanisms inside of us, it may seem to you any more a strange idea that the cause of all our ills depend mainly on the fact that the main channel can not do its job in a right way, the way useful to each of the most important seven Chakras.
But the science and practice for Yoga shows how is connected the fact that these seven energy centers, when not balanced, lead to illness and to psycho-emotional bad effects.
Describing in broad terms the Chakras starting from the bottom one, they represent and stimulate :
  • the natural forces that promote the continuity of the species
  • the instinctual forces pushing to own things in order to survive
  • the inner forces that give impulses to physical and physiological reactions
  • the forces that produce all what we desire
  • the forces that allow to relate with the outside world
  • the forces that lead to intuitive states
  • the forces that drive awareness beyond the visible world related to the five senses

      Each Chakra, at the physical level, is related to a Plexus, which in turn connects to one or more fundamental organs; malfunction leads to a force poorly formed and the resulting unbalanced state is said disease.
      It is a so fascinating subject that deserves to be investigated more. The International School Yoga in Your Life also takes care to explain everything in a more detailed manner and to learn the RAM ( Rishi Ancient Methods) that allow the Chakras to operate well, through the awakening of Kundalini.

      In the next Post I will discuss some points about What is Caduceo and relations with Kundalini and Chakras.

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